We now know that Democratic Party operatives with ties to the Napolitano campaign are behind the independent expenditure committees that are pretending to be values oriented conservatives, while lying and distorting my record through emails, autodials and a website.
As political dirty tricks go, this effort is pretty pathetic. But make no mistake, it is deceptive and it is dirty.
We filed a Clean Elections request for matching funds today and called for an investigation. Our press release is here.
Setting up fraudulently named entities to attack a political opponent with lies and distortions does not seem like the strategy of a confident reelection campaign that is cruising to an easy victory.
Call me naive, but this is pretty disappointing.
It appears Janet Napolitano’s supporters hope to discuss anything but her record — 5 million unlawful border crossings on her watch, the worst crime rate in the nation, continued failures in education and at CPS.
I will continue speaking directly to the voters of Arizona about the issues that affect our future. Janet should do the same thing, while calling off her Democratic Party hatchet men.