Press Release For Immediate

Press Release

For Immediate Release
September 22, 2006
Contact: Vernon Parker
(602) 418-2350

Contact: Alberto Gutier
(602) 908-8900

Debates Schedule Set

Two of Three Candidates Agree to Dates and Locations

Today, two of the three candidates agreed to 10 statewide debates. Barry Hess, the Libertarian candidate for Governor, and Len Munsil, the Republican Nominee for Governor, have agreed to a series of 10 debates that stretch across the entire state of Arizona.

Ms. Napolitano’s campaign continues to put forward a debate schedule that will reach the fewest number of Arizonans possible. According to Ms. Napolitano’s time frame, the last debate would be conducted 3 ½ weeks before Election Day. Unlike Ms. Napolitano, Mr. Munsil believes that the purpose of debates is to reach the most people possible with a vigorous debate about the issues.

Mr. Hess agrees that Ms. Napolitano wants an unreasonably long lapse in time between the last debate and Election Day. In an email correspondence with the Munsil campaign, Mr. Hess said, “…that is in my opinion an unreasonably long period of time before the November 7th election.”

The Munsil campaign agrees wholeheartedly with Mr. Hess.

According to Vernon Parker, spokesman for the Munsil campaign, “Ms. Napolitano would like nothing more than to keep the voters of Arizona in the dark about her record. She doesn’t want voters to know that she supports giving in-state university tuition rates to illegal immigrants. She doesn’t want Arizona voters to know that under her watch Arizona’s education ranking has dropped to last in the nation, and she really doesn’t want voters to know that the FBI reports Arizona has the worst crime rate in the nation. She truly has a record worthy of debate evasion. The people of Arizona need a vigorous and truly statewide debate.”

The most recent letter sent by the Munsil campaign to Ms. Napolitano’s campaign is attached along with email confirmation of these 10 proposed dates from Mr. Hess.
