Great turnout of about 100 adults and children this afternoon for a PRO-PAC family picnic. It was fun to see so many friends and supporters from the campaign and to get re-energized around the idea of advancing the conservative principles of President Reagan. We were also pleased to meet a number of new people at this open-invitation event. Dennis Durband has a nice story on his website.
Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was the winner in our unofficial presidential straw poll, which was participated in by more than 60 adults. Just as interesting and somewhat surprising — Rudy Giuliani did not receive a single vote. Here are the percentages:
Mike Huckabee — 40 percent.
Mitt Romney — 17 percent.
Ron Paul — 17 percent.
John McCain — 10 percent.
Duncan Hunter — 5 percent.
Alan Keyes — 5 percent.
Tom Tancredo — 3 percent.
Fred Thompson — 3 percent.
We also conducted voting for those under 18, and Arizona Sen. John McCain was the winner. There was one write-in vote for Stephen Colbert. Of course Colbert’s campaign dried up when his writers went on strike.