In addition to your usual year-end charitable giving, Arizona’s unique tax credit laws allow you to re-direct some of your tax liability to your favorite charitable causes, including up to $400 for charities that help the working poor and for public school extra-curricular activities ($200 for individuals.)
In addition, you can help kids by redirecting up to $1,000 for couples ($500 for individuals) to provide scholarships for children to attend private schools. You can recommend students and/or schools for your funds to be used. Like the other credits, these are dollar-for-dollar credits against your tax liability and end up costing you nothing while opening the doors of educational opportunity for thousands of children.
If you are so inclined, I would strongly encourage your support for the largest such organization — the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization, which has the highest 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s premier charity evaluator. According to Charity Navigator, ACSTO
“consistency executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America. This ‘exceptional’ designation from Charity Navigator differentiates Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.”
I am proud to serve as the Advisory Board Chairman at ACSTO, and would encourage your support through a year-end donation.