“Twitterpated” is the definition of infatuation famously offered up in Bambi in 1942.
I’m not sure I’m infatuated yet, but Twitter is becoming a new mechanism for connecting with others and even for political activism, as signified by a new website devoted to conservative politics through Twitter. That website includes a ranking of the 1,814 “Top Conservatives on Twitter”, where I am currently ranked somewhere around 450. So if you are on Twitter, please follow me. If not, give it a try. Like so many things on the Internet, it is free.
I’m astounded at the growth of Facebook, which began as a method for college students to connect but has now been invaded by my generation and even my parents’ generation. Truth be known, it is an incredibly inexpensive way to maintain real-time connections with people you care about, to share photos, thoughts, etc. I believe that Facebook is fast becoming the pre-eminent method for people to connect with relatives and friends who live in other communities. So if you haven’t signed up yet, now is the time. And send me a “friend” request when you do.


  1. I couldn’t agree with you more. I am really enjoying facebook. I am in contact with so many old and new friends now. In the past, time constraints and the demands of daily life made “keeping up” nearly impossible. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. I love tending to my relationships…uh, BTW, I have written you a couple of times and never heard back…could it be you have too many friends to keep up with now? All’s I can say is you better make room for me in your life, I am not going away!! And I did “follow” you to Twitter and didn’t have a clue as to what that was all about. I need a lesson or something. So I am “writing” to you and “following” you…but no worries, I don’t think it’s time for the restraining order just yet…sj

  2. Twitter username: “LenMunsil” — no space between names.

  3. Twitter? Shouldn’t it be called Fritter?


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