by Len Munsil | Jan 19, 2009 | Blog
I noticed that the temperature for the Inauguration in Washington D.C. will be 18 degrees. And then I saw tomorrow’s weather forecast for Phoenix, with an expected high of 81 degrees. At the same time as our temperatures are contrasted, so are our fortunes. Our...
by Len Munsil | Jan 12, 2009 | Blog
I don’t really care about the political left or the media. They’ve been attacking President Bush and distorting his record for eight years, and they’re not going to stop now. Yet he has consistently responded with class, grace and civility. I do have...
by Len Munsil | Jan 9, 2009 | Blog
Congratulations to former Senate President Ken Bennett of Prescott on today’s announcement by soon-to-be Governor Jan Brewer that she will appoint Bennett to replace her as Secretary of State. Bennett is not only a principled conservative, but a man of integrity...
by Len Munsil | Jan 7, 2009 | Blog
“Twitterpated” is the definition of infatuation famously offered up in Bambi in 1942. I’m not sure I’m infatuated yet, but Twitter is becoming a new mechanism for connecting with others and even for political activism, as signified by a new...
by Len Munsil | Jan 7, 2009 | Blog
Once the government started throwing money around, supposedly to head off a recession, the line started getting pretty long. Why? Because in an economic downturn everybody gets hurt. So it started with banks and a big insurance company, then it spread to the auto...
by Len Munsil | Jan 5, 2009 | Blog
For those of us who are already concerned about whether the rapidity of Barack Obama’s rise has prepared him to be Commander in Chief, this video won’t provide any comfort. Just one month before we were hit on 9-11 — which was really not that long...