by Len Munsil | Aug 27, 2008 | Blog
Yakov Smirnov used to do a comedy routine where he compared life under Communism in the old Soviet Union with the blessings of living in the United States, always ending each comparison with “What a country!” Republicans would be wise today to recognize...
by Len Munsil | Aug 20, 2008 | Blog
Taking a brief break from politics I noticed that Michael Phelps is under fire from doctors for endorsing “Frosted Flakes” (which I think are delicious, by the way): “I would not consider Frosted Flakes the food of an Olympian,” said...
by Len Munsil | Aug 17, 2008 | Blog
Mark Hemingway of National Review has a great take on Sen. Obama’s non-response last night to a simple abortion question at Saddleback: When asked “At what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?,” McCain answered “At the moment of...
by Len Munsil | Aug 16, 2008 | Blog
Tonight’s live, televised discussion between Pastor Rick Warren and presidential contenders John McCain and Barack Obama, separately addressing the same questions, cannot be described as anything other than a home run for Sen. McCain. McCain was clear, forceful,...
by Len Munsil | Aug 14, 2008 | Blog
Gov. Janet Napolitano’s consistent overspending has taken Arizona from a budget surplus to a $2 billion deficit in 18 months while leaving critical infrastructure so underfunded that she desperately needs you to vote to raise your own taxes by $42 billion to pay...
by Len Munsil | Aug 14, 2008 | Blog
The Founding Fathers would be stunned at the understanding of “freedom of speech” in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2008. Political speech has always been understood to be at the “core” of speech protected by the First Amendment. By contrast, the...