Of course, even as I lead the way in new media, I’ll still be out there on the stump, doing traditional campaign things. I’ll be easy to spot – I’ll be the candidate carrying a laptop. And we’ll produce issue briefings, brochures, ads, etc., like other political campaigns – but the fastest way to know what I’m saying and thinking will be to bookmark this page, visit regularly, and tell a friend, or two, or 50.
I hope you’re ready for this. I hope I’m ready for this. I hope our campaign team is ready for this. I think people are tired of the same old cynical political approach, the hiding behind public relations specialists, the cynical attempt to control and spin everyone and everything. I believe in you, the voter. I think you are entitled to know what I’m thinking. I believe you will appreciate the transparency of this effort to speak to you directly, on a regular basis, about the issues facing Arizona. And here’s my first campaign promise: if elected Governor, I will continue to use the new media, without bureaucratic or political interference.