

Secure the Border Now! Len would stop illegal immigration by building new fences and using radar technology to identify and deter attempts to cross before they happen. He would deploy the National Guard and state border units to confront and stop illegal crossings and enforce employer sanctions to discourage incentives to illegally enter Arizona. More …

Limited Government, Lower Taxes

Len would permanently reduce income and property tax rates. He would limit the size and scope of government, which grew 20 percent this year, and conduct top-to-bottom review of state budget for waste, fraud and abuse. He would reduce bureaucracy and government regulation of businesses. Finally, Len is committed to protect private property owners from eminent domain abuse. More …

Protect Our Forests

Len would oppose efforts by environmental activists to prevent healthy clearing of forests that would protect against catastrophic fires like Rodeo-Chediski. He would increase resources to contain fires and protect property. More …

    Protect Marriage

Len drafted Arizona’s law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and is the architect of the Protect Marriage Arizona Amendment.

Improve Education, Empower Parents

Len helped defend scholarship tax credits in the Arizona Supreme Court. He would promote parental choice by allowing education dollars to follow the child. He would expand charter school options and promote higher performance-based pay for teachers and more dollars to the classroom.

    Protect Children

Len has been a tireless advocate for protecting children. He fought to fix loopholes in laws designed to protect children from sexual abuse. The reform of Child Protective Services is a top priority.

Creating a Culture of Life

Len is the only candidate for Governor endorsed by Arizona Right to Life. He helped pass and defend in court Arizona’s laws requiring parental consent for abortion and prohibiting partial-birth abortion, and supports a women’s right to know bill. He would stop taxpayer funding of abortion, and would continue working to provide help and support for women in unplanned pregnancies.

End Judicial Activism

Len founded an organization committed to exposing and stopping judicial activism, and would appoint judges committed to promoting law and order while exercising self-restraint.

The Right To Bear Arms

Len Munsil is a strong defender of our Second Amendment rights. In addition, he has a track record of promoting gun rights under the Arizona Constitution. In fact, it was nearly 20 years ago that he authored, together with Steve Twist, a law journal article that today remains the definitive defense of the right to bear arms under the Arizona Constitution. Here is what Len said in 1990: The right to bear arms is “an absolute right,” and it “belongs to each ‘individual citizen’.” This absolute right was intended by the framers to exist “without legislative restriction, even against the carrying of concealed weapons.” More …

End Transportation Gridlock

Len would accelerate freeway and road construction in urban and rural Arizona in an effort to end lost productivity through current transportation gridlock throughout the state.

Support Law Enforcement and Corrections

Statewide we have many unfilled police, fire and corrections positions. Len would provide law enforcement and corrections officers with the pay and benefits they deserve for putting their lives on the line for public safety. This is the first priority of government.

    Improve Health Care,
End Frivolous Lawsuits

Len is committed to addressing the health care crisis, physician flight from Arizona and emergency room overcrowding by protecting the healing professions from frivolous lawsuits. Securing our border would relieve overworked emergency care system and provide Arizonans with vital services without long waits.

For further information on Len Munsil please see the link below:

Project Vote Smart – Len Munsil