Len Munsil, Proven Conservative Leader

Len Munsil has been a proven conservative leader for more than 20 years. He founded a conservative and libertarian legal organization, The Federalist Society, at Arizona State University and also the Phoenix Lawyers Division. He served as Executive Director of National Family Legal Foundation, working nationally with law enforcement and legislators to effectively enforce child pornography and obscenity laws designed to protect women and children from sexual violence. He founded The Center for Arizona Policy, which quickly became the nation’s leading state-based conservative public policy group, and participated in the Washington D.C.-based Arlington Group, a coalition of national conservative leaders.

As a conservative leader, Len Munsil has been on the cutting edge of the national conservative movement. He has worked with dozens of national conservative leaders who have recognized Len’s leadership ability and effectiveness.


Len stands with White House Press Secretary Tony Snow
in 2001, when Snow was then a Fox News analyst.


Len and Tracy Munsil with U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft in 2005


Len and Tracy Munsil stand with Dr. James Dobson at the 25th anniversary
of Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Len has appeared on
Dr. Dobson’s radio program and was lauded by Dr. Dobson for helping build
“one of the preeminent and most effective family policy councils in the nation.”


Going back to his first appearance on a KFYI program as a law student
in 1986, Len Munsil had made thousands of appearances on radio and
television programs during the past 20 years. He has been a radio show
guest-host, and his daily radio commentaries were heard dozens
of times each day on 30 Arizona radio stations for four years.


In 2000, Len hosted former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese and radio
talk show host Michael Reagan for a tribute to President Reagan and a
celebration of the 20th anniversary of President Reagan’s 1980 election.
General Meese wrote the foreword to Len Munsil’s book, “Protecting
Communities from Sexually Oriented Businesses,” and served on the Board
of Directors of Len’s organization, National Family Legal Foundation.

Len presents to Congressmen John Shadegg, Trent Franks and
Jeff Flake more than 16,000 petition signatures of Arizonans supporting
an amendment to the U.S. Constitution defining marriage as the union
of one man and one woman. All three Congressmen, along with
Congressman Rick Renzi, have endorsed Len Munsil for Governor.


Len stands with Jason Corley of Project CURE and the
Rwandan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Zac Nsenga.


Len and Fox News Analyst Fred Barnes


Len and Tracy Munsil stand with former Education Secretary and Drug Czar
Dr. William Bennett in 1999 at a CAP dinner with more than 1,200 people in
attendance. Dr. Bennett quipped to the audience, “Len and Tracy Munsil haven’t
had dinner with this many people since the last time they sat down with their family.”


Len and Tracy Munsil with Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes in 2003


Len with former Congressman and National Football
League Hall of Famer Steve Largent in 2003


Len and former U.S. Court of Appeals Judge
and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr


Len with former presidential candidate and current
leader of American Values Gary Bauer in 1997


Len Munsil stands behind Gov. Jane Hull as she signs into law a bill he initiated
requiring public school students in 4th, 5th and 6th grades to recite a portion of the
Declaration of Independence each morning. The bill was sponsored by Sen. Linda
Gray, a Munsil for Governor supporter. Munsil personally drafted 7 Arizona laws and
worked to pass dozens more that promoted education, strengthened marriage
and family, and improved our quality of life. In the past decade he attended
numerous bill signing ceremonies with various Arizona governors.