Press Release For Immediate

Press Release

For Immediate Release
August 18, 2006
Contact: Vernon Parker
(602) 418-2350

Contact: Alberto Gutier
(602) 908-8900

Munsil says CPS report proves Napolitano
has not kept promise to fix agency

Republican gubernatorial candidate Len Munsil expressed concern about a recent report that uncovered irregularities within Child Protective Services (CPS).

The report, issued by Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, detailed significant problems within the agency, including a failure to investigate many serious allegations of abuse in the agreed-upon manner.

“Janet Napolitano promised to fix CPS. But on her watch, Arizona’s most vulnerable have continued to suffer and many cases are not being investigated in the agreed-upon manner.”

CPS and law enforcement agencies are legally mandated to follow certain reporting protocols when investigating and reporting sexual and other serious crimes against children. The apparent breakdown in procedures and ignoring child abuse reporting standards has needlessly imperiled countless children.

Munsil called upon Governor Napolitano to initiate action to remedy this situation immediately. “As a society, we cannot tolerate this cavalier approach to following the agreed-upon standards for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect,” said Munsil. “In Janet Napolitano’s first campaign for Governor she promised to fix CPS. Despite a massive infusion of funding, significant problems remain and children’s lives are still at risk. We need a change.”
