Press Release For Immediate

Press Release

For Immediate Release
July 20, 2006
Contact: Vernon Parker
(602) 418-2350

Contact: Alberto Gutier
(602) 908-8900

Munsil Demonstrates Leadership and Credibility

Goldwater Begs For Support

Tonight’s televised debate on Horizon was a sharp compare and contrast between two completely different candidates.

Vernon Parker, spokesman for the Munsil campaign, said, “Tonight the bright lines were drawn between the experience and leadership of Len Munsil and the ineffectiveness and desperation of Don Goldwater. Len Munsil demonstrated why he has broad based support and an ability to take the fight to Napolitano this November. In contrast Don Goldwater demonstrated why his campaign is floundering. After nearly a year as a candidate and with the most famous last name in Arizona politics, Don Goldwater used the debate to beg for hundreds of $5 contributions so he can qualify for his public funding.”
