Press Release For Immediate

Press Release

For Immediate Release
October 2, 2006
Contact: Vernon Parker
(602) 418-2350

Contact: Alberto Gutier
(602) 908-8900

Janet Napolitano Is A No Show In Show Low

Napolitano Skips First Debate

Janet Napolitano’s campaign has failed to respond to numerous requests from the Munsil campaign concerning a debate schedule. On Saturday, September 30th, the first gubernatorial debate was conducted in Show Low and Janet Napolitano failed to show up. Mr. Munsil and Mr. Hess had a spirited discussion of the issues impacting Arizona. The debate will be broadcast throughout eastern Arizona on several occasions.

According to Vernon Parker, spokesman for the Munsil campaign, “Ms. Napolitano’s campaign is showing a stunning level of arrogance and disregard for the public debate that should be going on right now. It is becoming more and more apparent that her entire strategy is to act like there is no campaign at all. Len Munsil will continue to travel around Arizona sharing his vision for the future. At some point, we are hopeful that Ms. Napolitano will join us.”
