We offered numerous dates and proposed 10 debates with Janet Napolitano. She said she would commit to three. But after the first two debates, she apparently decided she’d had enough and backed out of a third debate.
Today we were both in Yuma, and we both did interviews with a Yuma TV station. I was there first, and told them I’d be happy to turn around and come back for a live debate if Janet Napolitano would agree to it. Here’s a shock — they never called.
Napolitano has also turned down a debate proposed by pastors representing African-American churches in south Phoenix. Barry Hess and I had already accepted.
Here are the first two debates. Please watch them and send them to others. I noticed that these debates are still not posted on Napolitano’s website:
Napolitano has been criticized by local media for offering no specifics about a second four-year term. Her response — I’ll tell you what I plan to do after the election.
So what is she doing instead of debating me or presenting voters with her vision for a second term? Mostly she is going around to ribbon-cuttings, coffees, and community events, sometimes handing out checks from the government for various communities and agencies. These are not official campaign events, but they allow her to obtain free publicity without having to answer any tough questions about her failed record on immigration, education, crime and CPS.