No fair-minded American could be anything other than moved by the election of America’s first African-American president. Watching the tearful, almost unbelieving response of so many African-Americans to the election of Sen. Obama put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye.
I am hopeful that with this election we will have proved the promise of America, and moved beyond the ugly stains of slavery and racism that have marred our nation’s honor and moral authority.
My differences with President-elect Obama are based on his policy ideas, not the color of his skin. While I appreciate his rhetoric, I am concerned about the reality of the harm that will be caused by many of his proposals.
This election causes me great concern for the security, economic health and moral foundation of our nation. And I look forward to continuing to make the case for the ideas that are best for governing our people.
But for tonight, I congratulate President-elect Obama and promise to pray that he will have real wisdom for the issues confronting our nation.