by Len Munsil | Oct 13, 2006 | Blog
Munsil for Governor Rally Noon, Saturday, Oct. 14 Arizona Republican Party Headquarters 3501 N. 24th St., Phoenix I hope to see you there! Bring family and friends!
by Len Munsil | Oct 12, 2006 | Pages
Download the latest version of Windows Media Player for PC here and for Mac here. Right-click to Download and Save Video / Audio Clips for Best Quality. “9/11 Memorial” (:30) Windows...
by Len Munsil | Oct 12, 2006 | Blog, Other
Janet Napolitano’s embrace of an anti-American “memorial” to 9/11 continues to draw national attention. Despite the ongoing harm and the emotional devastation this is causing to family members of 9/11 victims, Janet Napolitano refuses to budge....
by Len Munsil | Oct 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
With a few seconds left in last night’s debate, the moderator asked each us for the “one word” that was the key to this election. All of us stayed in character: Barry Hess went for the laugh and said “Votes.” Janet Napolitano ignored the...
by Len Munsil | Oct 11, 2006 | Blog, Immigration
Thank you to the hundreds of loud and enthusiastic, red-clad Munsil supporters who showed up in Tucson last night in support of our campaign! You took away Janet Napolitano’s expected advantage and made it clear I have lots of support in southern Arizona! Once...