by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Conservative activist Len Munsil made it look easy, grabbing nearly 6,000 $5 contributions in less than three months. It’s not been so easy for the other two GOP gubernatorial candidates, who are struggling a bit to qualify for Clean Elections cash.” The...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Munsil makes quick run for GOP primary ballot” “Munsil’s speed in collecting Clean Elections donations makes the Scottsdale native a legitimate player in the five-person GOP primary…. Munsil has stormed out of the gates despite his late...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Len Munsil: A Genuine Opportunity for Republicans” “Fortunately, an accomplished alternative, Len Munsil, is now available to voters. The gubernatorial campaign sweeping like a wildfire through Arizona’s political landscape is causing usually...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Speaking of Republicans, it looks like conservative activist Len Munsil will be the first GOPer to be in the money, so to speak. We hear he will file about 5,500 $5 contributions this week. That’s plenty of a cushion to get that check from the Clean Elections...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Upclose with Len Munsil, GOP gubernatorial candidate ‘I’m in this to win,’ Reagan conservative says” “A third-generation Arizonan, founder of one of the nation’s most influential conservative policy organizations, father of eight and superb...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“It wasn’t until I heard him speak on issues such as education, illegal immigration and tort reform that I became hooked on Len Munsil for governor. He’s a resolute man who provides solutions, unlike our current governor who wavers according to...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Munsil, with his strong social conservative grass-roots support, will undoubtedly get the requisite number of $5 contributions to qualify for public financing. It’s a more doubtful proposition for the rest of the field. Harris faces a bit of a dilemma. He...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Meanwhile, leading GOP challenger Len Munsil has collected 4,500 $5 contributions and hopes to file his donations next week, his campaign said.” The Arizona Republic, March 31, 2006 Read the...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“From his early days as a conservative editor in chief in a liberal in a liberal [sic] college newspaper environment, to his current bid for governor against Democratic powerhouse Janet Napolitano, Len Munsil has stayed true to his values.” ASU State...
by Len Munsil | May 17, 2006 | Endorsements
“Who’s hot: Republican Len Munsil’s gubernatorial campaign. Munsil has seized GOP front-runner status with recent endorsements from four Arizona Republican congressmen: Rick Renzi, John Shadegg, Jeff Flake and Trent Franks.” The Arizona...