At our press conference Thursday several legislators noted that I am a husband and father. That prompted a reporter to ask me whether my being married and having children was a reason to vote for me over Janet Napolitano. I answered honestly that being a spouse and parent does teach you some things (like humility), but that the election should be decided on policy issues not family status.
Interestingly enough, Janet Napolitano’s “Happy Mother’s Day” email the very next day seemed to emphasize the virtues and significance of motherhood. But it turned quickly from an email celebrating motherhood to a promotion of various Napolitano policies like day care and all-day kindergarten.
I don’t know what all that means politically. I just know I want to wish my own Mom — who earned a Master’s Degree in Education but stayed home to raise my brothers and me — a Happy Mother’s Day, along with my wife Tracy, the mother of our eight children. Every mother makes sacrifices for her children; I just happen to know more about the sacrifices my mother and wife have made. But to all Moms everywhere, Happy Mother’s Day. And I hope your kids are doing the laundry while you watch the Suns game.