The Arizona Republic has a story today on the influence of The Center for Arizona Policy.
Having been there at the birth of CAP, it’s amusing and gratifying to me to watch liberals complaining about CAP’s budget and influence today. We began with very little — a few committed board members, an association with Focus on the Family, and little else — no donors, no network, no influence other than the force and integrity of our arguments.
And ironically, we began because a Republican-controlled legislature was routinely ignoring or giving the back of its hand to social conservatives. We formed CAP so that families and children and people of faith could be heard at the Capitol and in the broader culture.
One thing we did have was faith that tens of thousands of Arizonans would get behind an organization committed to promoting family values with excellence, integrity, and moral principle.
Now the results have been so great that liberals whine about its influence, as if CAP is doing anything other than giving voice to the sensible, common sense pro-family, pro-faith grassroots majority.
I am very proud and grateful for the continued work of The Center for Arizona Policy, and the excellent leadership of its board of directors, and the tireless Cathi Herrod and her entire team.