The Sunday Viewpoints section of the Arizona Republic is carrying a point-counterpoint on illegal immigration, including an article I wrote.
A longer version of the Republic piece can be found at this link.
An even longer and more detailed critique of the “Principles of Just Immigration Reform” White Paper prepared by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention is available here.


  1. Seems to me that the people most responsible for obeying the law are the employers. That’s the whole problem! Why would aliens try to obey immigration laws that nobody can understand, made by politicians who understand very little. Before I retired from INS, I worked with the investigators who imposed sanctions. It worked well until all the politicians got involved because the rich employers complained. The reason that republicans ignore sanctions is because they know it will work. They support walls & troops because they know it will fail. They can blame Obama for the failure. You know all this. anyway.

  2. Well written article Len! You conveyed the truth in a manner that was not intended to be incendiary. I wish that more of this issue could be discussed in a respectful tone like this article.
    We need to enforce A.R.S. 12-2702 regarding the unauthorized practice of law. Legal immigration and illegal immigration are intertwined and many, many people are led astray by unscrupulous people who promise that they can legally immigrate when it is impossible under the law. This needs to be shut down and our new AG should make this a priority.


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