by Len Munsil | Jul 20, 2009 | Blog
I’ve been busy and missed the news today, but I’m awaiting word on President Obama’s speech apologizing for the United States getting to the moon first, thereby making all the other countries feel bad, fueling Cold War tensions and exposing our...
by Len Munsil | Jul 17, 2009 | Blog
I was surprised that so few people picked up on President Obama’s admission at Tuesday’s all-star game that the United States of America is “… out of money.” Partly because he made the crack in the midst of enormous, unprecedented efforts...
by Len Munsil | Jul 16, 2009 | Blog
Investor’s Business Daily has discovered in the massive Congressional health care bill that private insurance companies will essentially be put out of business once the government takes over the industry, as many of us suspected: What wasn’t known until...
by Len Munsil | Jul 15, 2009 | Blog
Rasmussen Reports released results of a poll this morning showing that 43 percent of voters oppose the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, while only 37 percent favor her confirmation. Meanwhile, the Committee for Justice has produced a new TV ad...
by Len Munsil | Jul 14, 2009 | Blog
A story in Monday’s Wall Street Journal indicates that Republicans in the Senate consider Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation to be a foregone conclusion and are trying to determine what the “right” level of “no” votes should be. The...