by Len Munsil | Apr 6, 2006 | Blog, Other
We assume Janet Napolitano has some core convictions, somewhere. With election season well underway, however, she has begun to make an amazingly cynical and calculated move to the right by flip-flopping on some major issues. And she has done so by betraying her...
by Len Munsil | Apr 6, 2006 | Blog
When you are speaking dozens of times each week, conducting a whirlwind of meetings with public officials and public policy experts, plus your campaign staff, the campaign becomes the center of your universe. Add to that daily blogging, media interviews and a fair...
by Len Munsil | Apr 5, 2006 | Blog, Education, Tax/Fiscal
Today’s news that Arizona ranks 49th in education spending is a classic example of asking the wrong question. When you ask the wrong question you get the wrong answer. Stephen Covey, in his famous 7 Habits book, says we should “begin with the end in...
by Len Munsil | Apr 5, 2006 | Blog, Education
Our constitutional separation of powers — the notion that governmental power is divided between three branches, and divided again between the state and national governments — is not irrelevant, arcane political theory. It is an essential element of...
by Len Munsil | Apr 4, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
The best climate for businesses — both small and large — is one that limits taxes and governmental regulation. The Democratic Party is the Party of higher taxes, greater regulation and bigger government. I believe in lower tax rates and regulatory reform...