by Len Munsil | Dec 15, 2007 | Blog
Congratulations to Chad Kirkpatrick, Tom Jenney and the board of the Arizona Federation of Taxpayers for an outstanding event today honoring legislators who believe you can spend your own money more wisely than the government. And congratulations to my friend Sen. Ron...
by Len Munsil | Dec 12, 2007 | Blog
I keep seeing these television ads — no doubt paid for by our tax dollars — about the virtues of Clean Elections. The tag line is particularly annoying, and obviously false: “With Clean Elections, everybody wins.” Since I’m not sharing an...
by Len Munsil | Dec 12, 2007 | Blog
Tim Tebow is the first sophomore to be chosen for college football’s Heisman Trophy award, and is already becoming an athletic legend by virtue of his unique strength and ability. (After bench pressing 425 pounds — unheard of for a quarterback — his...
by Len Munsil | Dec 8, 2007 | Blog
Since many of my blog readers tell me they don’t subscribe to the Republic anymore, I thought I’d let you know this story by my daughter Leigh Munsil was on the front page of today’s paper. Not nearly as painful as the last time “Munsil”...
by Len Munsil | Dec 7, 2007 | Blog
A lot of folks don’t like Ellen, and a lot of different folks don’t like President Bush, but this clip is fun...