Spoke this morning about PRO-PAC to the Sun City West Republican Club, led by the capable Jan Martinson. The other speaker was journalist Howie Fischer. Jan Martinson earned my eternal respect by “shushing” Howie, who was answering a question from me while...


If you haven’t seen it, take a moment to look at Drudge’s take on the “Street View” now available for select cities on Google. Take a moment to scan nearby neighborhoods. You can see the license plates of cars sitting in the carports of homes....


As the founder of Principled Reaganesque Outcomes PAC, I’m honored to be one of the five book purchasers to put “The Reagan Diaries” over the top against Al Gore’s “Assault on Reason” (which should be the title of Al Gore’s...


The best lines from Pirates of the Caribbean could sum up what’s happening right now in the Arizona Republican Party. The pirate captains (Republican leaders) are arguing and duking it out with each other while the entire British armada (Democratic Party) is...


At the conclusion of “Sunday Square-Off” (airing at 8 a.m. Sunday on Channel 12 in Phoenix), they allow you to “sound off” on any topic for about 30 seconds. This was how I ended the show: On this Memorial Day weekend, I want to tell you about...
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