by Len Munsil | Oct 26, 2009 | Blog
Had it been a prize fight, Justice Stephen Breyer would have been knocked out less than halfway through his debate today with Justice Antonin Scalia. Breyer and Scalia, appearing in Tucson at an event sponsored by the William H. Rehnquist Center, were debating how to...
by Len Munsil | Oct 9, 2009 | Blog
I was surprised to hear Rep. Kyrsten Sinema all over the news yesterday defending motherhood. Rep. Sinema was attempting to exploit for political purposes a comment made by Sen. Jon Kyl in a recent committee hearing. Sen. Kyl was making the point that health insurance...
by Len Munsil | Oct 4, 2009 | Blog
Saturday Night Live throughout its history has been a fairly equal opportunity mocker of presidents and politicians. At the same time, President Obama has had a remarkably long run of “hands off” treatment by comedians. The late-night hosts seemed to be...
by Len Munsil | Oct 1, 2009 | Blog
I’ve been pretty critical of our new President for reasons that should be obvious to regular readers of this blog and my Facebook page. Upon occasion I have been asked if there is anything I like about the President and his policies. A fair question, and worthy...
by Len Munsil | Sep 28, 2009 | Blog
I am firm believer in personal and national humility, and respect for other people and other nations. But here is the problem I see with the constant apologies to the rest of the world for America’s flaws and offenses, real or perceived, and the lack of...