by Len Munsil | Apr 10, 2006 | Blog
The Arizona Capitol Times prints a lengthy interview with me.
by Len Munsil | Apr 9, 2006 | Blog, Immigration, Social Issues
Republic columnist Bob Robb sees a cultural storm coming for Janet Napolitano on social issues she’s managed to avoid for the past three years, including immigration and reasonable regulations on abortion. While her rhetoric on immigration has changed, she has...
by Len Munsil | Apr 8, 2006 | Blog, Immigration
Janet Napolitano’s strange decision to tell state employees they can participate in Monday’s immigration protest march is beginning to get noticed in the...
by Len Munsil | Apr 8, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
When I speak to groups they seem surprised to discover that Janet Napolitano wants to spend our state right back into a significant deficit. Here is the analyis from the Goldwater Institute: Governor Napolitano’s ‘07 budget calls for $10 billion in General Fund...
by Len Munsil | Apr 7, 2006 | Blog, Immigration
Janet Napolitano’s office issued an advisory today to correct “misinformation” regarding Monday’s massive immigration march, which is expected to draw 100,000 people to the Capitol area. But it contained this interesting tidbit: State employees...
by Len Munsil | Apr 7, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
Recently I posted about Janet Napolitano’s desire to spend our state right back into a deficit. I noted her willingness to take credit for the surplus despite the fact that, had her budget proposals been followed for the past three years, we would have remained...
by Len Munsil | Apr 7, 2006 | Blog
OK, that sounds more glamorous than it is. But behind every successful political candidate is an army of people who believe, people who are so committed to victory that they are willing to give up a beautiful Saturday morning to walk through neighborhoods and ask...
by Len Munsil | Apr 6, 2006 | Blog
Political blogger Greg Patterson takes note of some comments from Sen. Jon Kyl about the Governor’s race: April 7, 2004 Inside Tucson Business has an interview with Senator Jon Kyl that yields this interesting tid bit. Kyl was asked about Republicans’ difficulty...
by Len Munsil | Apr 6, 2006 | Blog, Other
We assume Janet Napolitano has some core convictions, somewhere. With election season well underway, however, she has begun to make an amazingly cynical and calculated move to the right by flip-flopping on some major issues. And she has done so by betraying her...
by Len Munsil | Apr 6, 2006 | Blog
When you are speaking dozens of times each week, conducting a whirlwind of meetings with public officials and public policy experts, plus your campaign staff, the campaign becomes the center of your universe. Add to that daily blogging, media interviews and a fair...