by Len Munsil | Sep 15, 2006 | Blog, Other
I’ve often said that Janet Napolitano represents the values of the mainstream media very effectively. This is helpful for me, because every press conference I hold turns into debate preparation. On election night Janet’s mouthpiece called me a...
by Len Munsil | Sep 15, 2006 | Blog, Other
We received this curious broadside on the night of our victory from Barry Dill, one of Janet Napolitano’s key advisers: “Over the next eight weeks, we are confident that Len Munsil will be exposed for the inexperienced, out-of-the-mainstream zealot that he...
by Len Munsil | Sep 13, 2006 | Blog, Other
Thank you to our grassroots army of supporters, who turned out in droves to turn what everyone expected to be a close race into a comfortable win in the Republican primary! Here are some photos from today. Don Goldwater was gracious in his call conceding the election,...
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
If you have come to my website for the first time to decide who to vote for in Tuesday’s Republican primary, I will make my case briefly: I am a Reagan conservative who has spent the past two decades effectively advancing core Republican principles. I began as a...
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
For those of you keeping score at home, I’m now being attacked for about the 4th time in the past three days by one of my primary opponents who promised to not attack me. As usual, these attacks are false. If you are really interested in the truth, you can read on....
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
Today we pause and reflect. I had a chance to watch President Bush at the site of the Pennsylvania plane crash, as “Amazing Grace” was played. I was reminded of the way patriotism and prayer broke out spontaneously five years ago when our nation was...