by Len Munsil | May 21, 2006 | Blog, Education, Tax/Fiscal
Republican control of the presidency and Congress has accomplished two significant things — an aggressive war on Islamic terror, and judges who understand the rule of law. Those accomplishments are significant. But President Bush and Congress have ignored...
by Len Munsil | May 19, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
A liberal looks at a budget surplus and sees an opportunity to spend more of other people’s money. A conservative looks at a budget surplus and sees taxpayer money that was not needed and should be returned. Janet Napolitano can pretend to be something other...
by Len Munsil | May 6, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
Doug MacEachern of the Republic gets it right it today: “The economy is humming. Donald Luskin of National Review sets the real start of the boom at April 2003. What happened then? The [Republican] tax cuts took hold.” Because of Republican tax cuts...
by Len Munsil | Apr 28, 2006 | Blog, Education, Tax/Fiscal
Under our constitutional system, the legislative branch controls the government pursestrings. The executive branch has an opportunity to weigh in on spending issues through the power to sign or veto legislative bills. But in Arizona, the executive branch — led...
by Len Munsil | Apr 24, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
New radio ads produced by The Project for Arizona’s Future — a group of liberal Democrats and a few liberal Republicans — attempts to put a false choice before Arizona voters. In essence, the ad asks us to choose between solving our transportation...
by Len Munsil | Apr 15, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
Having just completed my tax returns for 2005, I am more committed than ever to reducing state income taxes and simplifying the tax code. Collectively, we spend more than $5.4 billion hours every year filling out tax forms. What a huge waste of time and...