by Len Munsil | Apr 8, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
When I speak to groups they seem surprised to discover that Janet Napolitano wants to spend our state right back into a significant deficit. Here is the analyis from the Goldwater Institute: Governor Napolitano’s ‘07 budget calls for $10 billion in General Fund...
by Len Munsil | Apr 7, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
Recently I posted about Janet Napolitano’s desire to spend our state right back into a deficit. I noted her willingness to take credit for the surplus despite the fact that, had her budget proposals been followed for the past three years, we would have remained...
by Len Munsil | Apr 5, 2006 | Blog, Education, Tax/Fiscal
Today’s news that Arizona ranks 49th in education spending is a classic example of asking the wrong question. When you ask the wrong question you get the wrong answer. Stephen Covey, in his famous 7 Habits book, says we should “begin with the end in...
by Len Munsil | Apr 4, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
The best climate for businesses — both small and large — is one that limits taxes and governmental regulation. The Democratic Party is the Party of higher taxes, greater regulation and bigger government. I believe in lower tax rates and regulatory reform...
by Len Munsil | Apr 4, 2006 | Blog, Tax/Fiscal
Janet Napolitano has been quick to take credit for reversing our state’s economic fortunes. For the last few weeks, Virtual Janet would pop out on her website and take credit for turning Arizona from deficit spending to a surplus. (Virtual Janet also kept...