by Len Munsil | Apr 22, 2007 | Blog
The most unsettling thing about this Hillary Clinton clip is not the pretend southern twang. It’s the notion that the most scandal-ridden First Lady in American history has the audacity to act as if she can bring integrity to the White House. Are we that...
by Len Munsil | Apr 20, 2007 | Blog
“This war is lost.” — Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader. As I pointed out a few weeks ago, we won the “war” in Iraq very quickly. What remains is a Democratically-elected government trying to stabilize a country threatened by Islamic...
by Len Munsil | Apr 20, 2007 | Blog
No, I’m not referring to what happened at Virginia Tech earlier this week, although the description above is certainly applicable. I’m referring to partial-birth abortion, a procedure that Congress declared “gruesome and inhumane” and voted to...
by Len Munsil | Apr 19, 2007 | Blog
So Matt Leinart is a lead foot. Someone needs to explain to him that flash bulbs on the 101 are not paparazzi. Rookie mistake.
by Len Munsil | Apr 17, 2007 | Blog
Those of us who are parents of college students are especially disturbed, grieved and shocked at the unspeakable and senseless evil on display at Virginia Tech yesterday. Our prayers are with the families and friends of the victims. It didn’t take long for gun...