Laura Ingraham wrote a book urging recording stars to “Shut up and Sing.” After last night’s Grammy Awards, I’m thinking she should have asked them to just shut up. Even the liberal media has noticed that political activism is front and center...


The Republic’s Political Insider today picked up on my recent post about my campaign for Governor of Arkansas. But c’mon guys — the fact that these companies produce campaign logos on thong underwear was exposed when I wrote about it last...


Would it kill E.J. Montini to admit I was right? On Sunday he took Janet Napolitano to task for failing to fix the problems with the 9/11 Memorial. As far as I can tell, Montini agrees with me that the Memorial was offensive and that Napolitano could have and should...


Last September I called for removal of offensive portions of Arizona’s 9/11 Memorial, and said this about inscriptions that should be on the memorial: The new monument will include at least these three phrases from 9-11 that are missing here: Phrase No. 1...


A law mandating a minimum wage increase is a classic liberal idea — it sounds good, it appeals to our sense of compassion, but it ends up hurting the people it is meant to help. Now that the vote is over, the media is beginning to recognize that teens and other...
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