by Len Munsil | Sep 23, 2008 | Blog
When he’s not being slapped down by Barack Obama for his flip-flop on the AIG bailout, serial plagiarist Joe Biden continues to amaze us with his verbal miscues, as reported by Ben Smith: Biden garbles Depression history Joe Biden’s denunciation of his own...
by Len Munsil | Sep 22, 2008 | Blog
It’s football season, so we take a brief break from politics. I’ve noticed that the newspaper stories about my kids are usually more fun to read than the ones about me. I even like the headline. Munsil looks for even better year by Katherine Torres –...
by Len Munsil | Sep 21, 2008 | Blog
Oliphant is a Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist. For some reason he thinks its OK to distort and then mock and stereotype Sarah Palin’s faith. We don’t need to wonder what the response would be if he were to stereotype Barack Obama’s...
by Len Munsil | Sep 17, 2008 | Blog
… as not only an opponent of traditional marriage, but a slanderer of those who still believe marriage is and always should be the union of one man and one woman. In comments opposing Proposition 102 in the state’s publicity pamphlet, the Mayor of Phoenix...
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2008 | Blog
Much of the 9/11 remembrances today are focused on the victims of that horrific attack seven years ago. But today it is also appropriate to remember the nature of the threat we face from radical Islamic extremists, and the responses each presidential candidate gave to...
by Len Munsil | Sep 9, 2008 | Blog
Media hordes are descending on Alaska looking under every shrub to find evidence of something Gov. Sarah Palin has done wrong (I’m waiting for the media to track down and interview animal family members of caribous and moose she hunted). Meanwhile, where are the...