by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate Release July 20, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker (602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Munsil Demonstrates Leadership and Credibility Goldwater Begs For Support Tonight’s televised debate on Horizon...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate Release August 4, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker (602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Len Munsil, Republican Candidate for GovernorCongratulates Law Enforcement Officials Republican candidate for...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate Release August 7, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker (602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Munsil campaign responds to Goldwater filing Statement of Vernon Parker, Munsil for Governor Media Advisor...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate Release August 11, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker (602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Len Munsil, Republican Candidate for Governor,Unveils First Campaign Video Today, Len Munsil, Republican...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate Release August 18, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker (602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Munsil says CPS report proves Napolitanohas not kept promise to fix agency Republican gubernatorial candidate...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 6, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker(602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Senator John McCain EndorsesLen Munsil for Governor Len Munsil announced today that U.S. Sen. John McCain has...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Blog
Yesterday was filled with media opportunities as I was presented to the people of Arizona as the Republican nominee for Governor. Multiple radio, print and television interviews were conducted, in which I contrasted my Reagan conservative principles with the liberal...
by Len Munsil | Sep 14, 2006 | Pages
Press Release For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 14, 2006 Contact: Vernon Parker(602) 418-2350 Contact: Alberto Gutier(602) 908-8900 Munsil challenges Napolitano to a debate each week Today, Len Munsil, Republican nominee for Governor,...
by Len Munsil | Sep 13, 2006 | Blog
Up until now Janet Napolitano has been claiming she will run this race based on her record as Governor. Her campaign commercial makes Disneyland seem like the second happiest place on earth, next to Arizona. Now that we’ve pointed out her failure to act at the border,...
by Len Munsil | Sep 13, 2006 | Blog, Other
Thank you to our grassroots army of supporters, who turned out in droves to turn what everyone expected to be a close race into a comfortable win in the Republican primary! Here are some photos from today. Don Goldwater was gracious in his call conceding the election,...