by Len Munsil | Sep 12, 2006 | Pages
Len Munsil enters the ballroom at the downtownPhoenix Hyatt Regency on Primary Election Night. Len Munsil and his family greet hundreds of supporters on Primary Election Night. Len Munsil accepts the Republican Nomination for Governor. Len Munsil speaks to supporters...
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
If you have come to my website for the first time to decide who to vote for in Tuesday’s Republican primary, I will make my case briefly: I am a Reagan conservative who has spent the past two decades effectively advancing core Republican principles. I began as a...
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog
I was feeling bad about all the wacky conspiracy theories about my campaign that are floating around the blogosphere. Then I heard some guys on Fox News talking about how President Bush blew up the Twin Towers on 9-11, and I felt better. Conspiracy theories about me...
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
For those of you keeping score at home, I’m now being attacked for about the 4th time in the past three days by one of my primary opponents who promised to not attack me. As usual, these attacks are false. If you are really interested in the truth, you can read on....
by Len Munsil | Sep 11, 2006 | Blog, Other
Today we pause and reflect. I had a chance to watch President Bush at the site of the Pennsylvania plane crash, as “Amazing Grace” was played. I was reminded of the way patriotism and prayer broke out spontaneously five years ago when our nation was...
by Len Munsil | Sep 10, 2006 | Blog, Immigration
Here is the actual autodial message from Chris Simcox. I’m told that after the illegal nature of these calls was pointed out on our website, the Goldwater campaign re-edited the autodial to add the “paid for” disclosure and to remove the line about...
by Len Munsil | Sep 9, 2006 | Blog, Immigration, Other
Don Goldwater’s campaign manager has admitted they are behind an illegal call today from Minuteman founder Chris Simcox. The call is illegal because it does not identify in any way who is paying for it. The Goldwater campaign knows the calls are illegal, but...
by Len Munsil | Sep 8, 2006 | Blog, Other
Don Goldwater claims the only political advice he got from Uncle Barry was “don’t lie.” As we have already seen, Don’s not doing so well. But now there’s more. Don’s latest negative hit pieces by mail and TV attack me in several ways. His first two attacks on me...
by Len Munsil | Sep 7, 2006 | Blog, Other
And The Arizona Republic endorses me. Sort of. This is a tough blow for our campaign, but I think we can overcome it. That’s because when you boil it down, the Republic endorsement amounts to this: Len Munsil is a capable, articulate leader who presents a...
by Len Munsil | Sep 7, 2006 | Blog, Immigration
In trying to compete with my 20 years of experience as a conservative leader, Don Goldwater has staked a claim to a long-term involvement in the fight against illegal immigration. For the entire campaign he has talked about being “the only candidate who has been down...